"Anything sounds weird if you say it a hundred times"
- Ted Mosby, from How I Met Your Mother
- Ted Mosby, from How I Met Your Mother
In our daily lives, we encounter common statements from our friends or random people that seem to make sense, but once you take a step back and think about it, are really kind of stupid. We may be guilty of blurting these out at times when the situation arises, but really, with everyone else saying it, it has almost become senseless. The more we hear it, the stupider it sounds. I'm not even sure if that's a word, but the spell check says it is.
I learned that it's actually called something; Semantic Satiation. It's a psychological phenomenon where a word (or in the case I'm presenting, a phrase) loses its meaning/essence because of constant repetition. With people overusing these phrases I'm enumerating, I have have become sick of it, to the point that it has lost its meaning to me. And probably to you too.
You see this: Just about everywhere, especially when it became a fad
"You only live once", so the saying goes. It was the mantra of people who wanted to take risks, and there's no better time to do it than right at the moment. While it seems like it isn't so bad, some rapper makes an acronym about it, and kids are throwing it out like Japanese were shouting "Banzai!" during the World War II era. It has been completely taken out of context, and now people use this phrase as an excuse to do something stupid.
Haters gonna hate
You see this: When people are criticized
What, and lovers gonna love, workers gonna work, and speakers gonna speak? Fanboys/fangirls or the topics of criticism usually use this statement to close an argument. Usually, this is also used to stoop down to the level of irrational critics who blurt out totally irrelevant things to criticize (whoa, critics gonna criticize). It is such a primitive argument that those who can't think rationally can't even answer back. It is the perfect ending to these types of arguments; both parties agree to disagree, with both feeling they won.
You see this: As a meme, with the height of popularity probably from mid to late last 2012
Did you know that the above picture is a World War II British public-safety catchphrase? I didn't. Now I understand why there's a crown there. It has become such a popular meme that everyone seems to have used or misused it at least once. The inserted word/phrase sometimes just doesn't make sense, yet people make t-shirts out of it because they think it's cool. I can think of a couple of schools that have misused this meme, but I'd rather not say. You know who you are, bandwagoners.
Everything happens for a reason
You see this: When shit happens in your friend's life and he or she is being all "Zen" about it; in emo selfies involving shadows or paper cut outs

A friend lost his/her phone, and he/she is like "My life sucks, but it's alright, everything happens for a reason". Yes, everything happens for a reason. You lost your phone because you were careless, you idiot. Don't think the universe conspired to have you leave your phone in a taxi somewhere. While fate, destiny, and the universe are nice ways to blame shitty things happening in your life, there are moments that you just have to accept that you did to yourself. Fate isn't always the "reason" for everything. By making "fate" responsible for every shitty thing in your life, you have ruined this beautiful quote for those who actually believe it.
What happens in (insert place here) stays in (insert the same place)
You see this: As tags on crazy parties
Watching American movies, I learned a popular saying that goes "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". I think I heard that in a Nic Cage movie. Anyway, the quote has been used just in about everywhere, that you wonder, is anything ever coming out? Albums have titles like, "What happens in Bora, stays in Bora" or "What happens in Palawan, stays in Palawan" and then you start to think why the hell they used those quotes as titles to their album if it's supposed to "stay" there. While it is true that sometimes, people just type this in as a shoutout, I still don't get why it becomes an "official" quote of a place just because one did crazy stuff there. You could have an agreement with friends that "no one outside our circle can know about this" but please, don't make it like there's a written rule in that place that says that.
(insert action twice) din pag may time
You see this: In pa-cool jej people statuses, bandwagon riders
I don't know how this shit started. When I learned it, it was quite amusing, as it implyies that you can squeeze something in your busy schedule for eating ("kain kain din pag may time") or sleeping ("tulog tulog din pag may time") or whatnot. But then it got annoying. People who had no jobs or are on vacation use the same quotes. You have all the freakin time in the world, why the hell do you need to announce that you're doing something "pag may time"?! Do what you want to do, it's not like you're packed with meetings or work!
I didnt get to finish reading this, but I will finish din pag may time:p