Walang personalan, masagasaa'y bahala na kung masaktan o magalit. Nais ko lang ipaalam sa mundo (all 5 of my readers) ang mga nasambit ninyong mga kataga na di ko malaman kung matutuwa ako o magagalit, pero sigurado, ginusto kong tumambling.
"I'm sorry to burst your bubble"
Quote from: To answer the question: "Are you in or out of this marriage?"
I say: What bubble?
"Do you want to be ok for the rest of your life, or extremely happy for a short period of time?"
Quote from: On making a girl choose between 2 lovers.
I say: Eventually, girl wanted to be happy for a short period of time, which turned out to be some couple of years. Score one for mediocrity? I wouldn't. It would be a fallacy. The "ok for the rest of your life" part didn't happen, so no one can truly say that that was the right choice. At that time, she chose what she thought was the best choice for her. She shouldn't view it as a mistake.
"Di ko kaya mag-stay sa marriage dahil sa concept ng marriage"
Quote from: Guy justifying getting out of the marriage.
I say: So, what should be the reason for one to stay in a marriage? If it was a mere concept you don't genuinely believe in, you shouldn't have entered it in the first place.
"Eh di siya na ang better person? Ok na thoughts mo?"
Quote from: A response to a comment: "…I thought you were better than your friend. I thought wrong. He’s way much better than you."
I say: I actually found it funny. I'd probably say the same. If you hate me, delete me. You can't "educate" me by posting "righteous" comments on my status updates. It accomplishes nothing. A sarcastic "like" would probably do the trick. Then you wouldn't have to deal with me replying to your comment.
"Malapit na."
Quote from: 2010's "In Denial Ka Lang Ata" awardee, when asked the question "Kayo pa rin ba?"
I say: This is after we learn that the awardee is still blocked in person's friends list in FB.
"Di kita lolokohin, (insert name of girl here)"
Quote from: a guy with a notable history of dating 3 girls at the same time in one day.
I say: This was meant to be a joke to the girl, really, but it was hilarious when he said it as if he could even pretend he could do it.
"Di ka lolokohin nyan, ipupusta ko pa lahat ng law books ko."
Quote from: Aforementioned guy, hard-selling boyfriend to girlfriend as if girlfriend needed the assurance. This tops all his praises for boyfriend that night because...
I say: ...boyfriend had a fling just a couple of months or so after. They have since reconciled and are happily together. But yes, guy still owes girlfriend law books.
"Ehh, Romantic eh."
Quote from: Visiting female friend's comment on: "Bawas na tayo, mei nagpakasal na."
I say: He truly is. No one just bothers to notice. He doesn't act like one in front of friends but it seems he really is. It's just funny to be spoken of that way.
"Ano yan, class A? Amoy palengke eh."
Quote from: 2010 On and Off Girlfriend of the Year awardee, upon being given an authentic Nine West bag by reconciling BF.
I say: It's either a.)she's hiding her glee, b.) she doesn't really know what an authentic bag smells like, c.) she's just being a bitch about it for reasons only she would understand. Either way I don't know who to smack; her of the non-gratitude, or him who decided to give such a gift to his not-yet-girlfriend.
"Hindi naman nawawala yan eh..."
Quote from: Boy Torpe in answering the question "...eh mahal mo pa ba?"
I say: Classic one liners from boy one-liner. If he could earn points by saying stuff, he'd be way ahead of all competition. But unless he acts, everything is just theory.
"Pwedeng walang magtatag ng pictures?"
Quote from: 2010 "Wala Naman Akong Tinatago" awardee, every time a friendly gathering happens at night.
I say: Awardee texts that he's bored and would just sleep in dorm, so tagged pictures are a no-no should there be pictures of the event. It sometimes becomes difficult to distinguish what actually happened and what supposedly didn't if time comes that everyone is in the gathering.
"Ikaw, dating madungis, ngayon naglilinis... Yung isa, madungis talaga... Yung isa naman, sa ichura nun, nagmamalinis pa... Ako, dati pang malinis... pwede bang... padungis?"
Quote from: an argument on cheating.
I say: Everybody had too much fun with this quote that I had to include it. I leave no names or clues.
"Di naman si (insert kid's name here) ang iniwan ko eh, ikaw."
Quote from: in response to the question on what happens to the couple's kid.
I say: In what seems to be said in a matter-of-fact tone, this is just a harsh way of putting a nail in the coffin. It may be true, but considering what guy did, that was just a wrong way of saying it.
"Kaya kong tumanggi sa tukso, pero pinili kong hindi"
Quote from: guy justifying having a third party.
I say: This has got to top the list. It's like that joke that if you go home so late and you know you're going to get it from you parents, the first thing you say when you get home is "eh bakit ngayon lang ako? Late nanaman ako? Mei pasok pa bukas puro ako inom? Di na ko nagbago? Grabe na talaga ko! Magkukulong na ko sa kwarto!". It's justifying a wrong act with rational-sounding irrationality. This particular line is said in such a way that he shows that he has principle as he recognized the "right" act, at the same time, it shows his being a rational, free being, as he acted "by his own free will". What it doesn't show is what he thinks of his wife, what he thinks his wife would feel, and what wife actually felt. Personally, I'd snap.
I leave no names in order to somehow protect the identity of those who said it. Tamaan ang tatamaan. I hope to accomplish nothing with this blog other than entertain my readers with quotes I gathered through 2010. There are probably many others, I'll add it if it pops up in my head again. If we have a common friend and you think I missed something that he/she said, you're welcome to add it in the comments section.
I say nothing of these friends of mine who were quoted to say these words, I don't hope to change them with what I said about their words. They're old enough to know what they said and why they said it,
Again, I wrote for the sake of writing and entertainment. If you can't deal with that and are too affected with what has been said, well, I can't do anything about that. Besides, if you know you're one of the people mentioned, you probably know the kind of person that I am, and that I'm just being me.